We have returned to Cuenca following an extended and unplanned trip to the states. I wrote in November that I had some medical problems and although the care was very good here in Cuenca it was necessary to have a procedure done in the states that couldn’t be done here as easily. Also it was a better place to be if circumstances would have called for family support for me or Joan.
Although it wasn’t a planned vacation we did get to be with family and friends we hadn’t seen for a while and celebrate the holidays with them. The weather in Connecticut was very warm for Dec. (thankfully) so except for the various gatherings and celebrations it didn’t seem much like Christmas.
We were sorry to miss our first Christmas and New Years in Cuenca . We had been looking forward to the new experience for months. Oh well, you can’t do everything you want to do.
Staying with my Mom and also at our daughter’s was great. Everyone went out of there way to make the old folks comfortable and happy. We even had the opportunity to visit with my step sister and to meet her husband for the first time while they visited from Canada and our son, Mike, was there for a week so that was an additional bonus.
A shot from the van of the Cajas |
We started our trip with a van ride across the Cajas which is always interesting for sightseeing and for just the sheer thrill of not falling off the mountain. Speeding and passing on curves is the norm not the exception. Our flight on Aerogal was very good with service a lot better than what can be had on the U.S planes. We arrived in N.Y. late at night and were met by Joan’s little brother, Scott, who drove us to CT. We were glad to see him there because the last limo shuttle out of JFK to Ct was likely to have left before we cleared customs. We were lucky customs was a piece of cake (this time).
Joan , "little" brother Scott and Joan's sister Wendy |
My medical needs were taken care of early in early Dec. and we were free to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Then it was time to come home. We again flew Aerogal and landed in Guayaquil early in the morning. We were tired from the trip and headed to the van service office where we were told they had no seats available until the next day. While we tried to decide what next seats became available and we were back in Cuenca a little after noon. Our friends, Mick and Kathy Wesson, who obviously, missed us terribly picked us up at the van office took us to lunch and brought us to our apartment.
It was a good trip but being home is very good and Cuenca is now our home.
We have heard two new friends are coming to live in Cuenca and will be arriving soon. We are looking forward to seeing Judy and Nolan, again. Also, Mary from South of Zero is arriving in the next few days and we hope we have the opportunity to meet her while she is here. We had a short visit with Dorothy Holabird this week. She is also from Ct. and though it was a short visit we look forward to getting together with her again, soon.
Hasta Luego,
Dale and Joan