About Me

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Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
We are from Connecticut originally and have most recently lived in North Carolina, USA. We are starting a new life in South America so our retirement $'s will go farther toward a new way of life and a new adventure.Prior to June of 2010 we never thought a move such as this would be possible or advantageous for us. And, that is why we call this blog "Retirement: Plan B" We intend to see and do as much as possible in our retirement. Spend quality time with family, friends and each other.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today I am just sharing some pictures.
Joan is holding less than half of the red bananas we bought for $3
They are sweeter and the meat of the fruit is a deeper yellow than any we've had before.We shared them with 3 other people.
There are a lot of tourists in Cuenca and some of them carry a heavy load.
The tour bus as it passes the Coffee Tree cafe
This is just a picture of the countryside between Cuenca and Giron, a town about 20 kilometers away.
These little guys are just waiting for you to put them on your dinner plate. Cuy, (guinea pig)
 Oh, Boy !!! 
The Christmas decorations are up in the malls and stores.
I have been asked about credit card usage so here is a picture of a sign above a Banco De Guayaquil ATM
I can't explain "Hell Kitty"

Hasta Pronto,
Dale and Joan

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